Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Now and Then

I am starting to catch up a little over here.  One of my new favorite pastimes is knitting.  I finally learned how!  I read Knitting for Dummies while on vacation last summer then sat down with my mother and you tube has helped me after that.  It gives me something simple to do with my hands when Willow falls asleep on my lap and I can't move!  I love pouring over knitting patterns and finding little gems that are free to download.  I am trying to increase my skills with each successive project.  I tend to have to unravel an average of 3 times per item but I am having fun.

This yellow knit is going to be a shrug for Willow.  It has a lovely diamond open pattern.  Unfortunately I messed up about 3 rows down from where I am now and I am dreading pulling it apart.  I am hoping I can rescue it on the 4th row but I don't hold out a lot of hope especially with all of the yarn overs.  I think I have watched a dozen 'frogging' videos on youtube to gain some confidence.  At least I am not too far along and I like the pattern now that I 'get' it.  

These little pants were fun to make and are a cotton blend.  They are not perfect and I was silly and didn't try them on her to measure length before I did a bind off so they are really short!  Good practice.

Some catch up photos from Willows first weeks:

I made those receiving blankets before she was born (pattern via the purl bee) from a couple of yards of flannel and a blanket crochet stitch.  They have gotten a lot of use.

Uncle Christopher with her on vacation.  She looks so tiny in his big arms!  She was about 3 weeks old then.

And my little man at Christmas time.  He has since lost two teeth and just growing like crazy!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

If you haven't already, you should check out Ravelry, a sort of knitting social network.

I've found a lot of great patterns there, and you can save them to your page, keep notes and track projects, and seek advice from the community. I've barely taken advantage of its benefits, but I love it for the pattern availability alone.

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