Today I will take you on a close up tour of my garden. I will try to get more in a broad lens once it comes together a little bit better. I have been doing a lot of digging between bouts of rain and more rain.
Here are the seedlings that are taking over my sewing table. I am going to try to get the little guys hardened off this weekend and in the ground ASAP. They are getting a little leggy.
The lilac in the backyard is just about to explode into bloom. A few little purple blossoms are peeking out here and there. I can't wait to have cuttings around the house.
We have a LOT of iris growing around the yard. There are several varieties and I hope I can successfully transplant them around as they are taking over most of the perennial border.
These guys are outside - a bin of mescalin greens. They are starting to show their true leaves now.
The rather unsightly cages over our gardening boxes are doing their duty. I think the biggest issue we have had has been neighborhood cats. This weekend we should have the rest covered up and probably 80% planted with more greens. I am trying to decide what to do about pumpkins...I think I am going to dig up an area towards the back of the yard and just let them spread out. I suppose anything to minimize mowing is good!
A break in the gardening has meant finishing up the paper mache on the the boat project. It now has holes for the wheels and mast. It is awaiting its coat of white wash. (header picture) I have been ironing and sorting out scraps from the massive amount of quilt squares I was giving. I haven't figured out what to do with them yet.
This picture goes especially to my friend Heather L. The blackberries are certainly rambling around our yard!
Here are the seedlings that are taking over my sewing table. I am going to try to get the little guys hardened off this weekend and in the ground ASAP. They are getting a little leggy.
1 comment:
Wow, you have a lot going on garden-wise!!! I would especially like to have those blackberry bushes growing in my yard!! I do have a red currant bush my mom bought me this year. We'll see if the birds get to it first. Your raised beds look so nice!! My irises are just about to bloom but the lilacs were over a few weeks ago. Funny how you are reverses. Enjoy your garden!! Wish I was there to help you with the quilt scraps ;)
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