Wednesday, May 07, 2008


that was a longer pause than i had intended. i havent taken a lot of photos lately or done much creatively. my new position at work has really been keeping me busy. i suppose on one hand it is good, i am getting a lot of extra hours and can do a lot of it from home or remotely. it has pretty much taken away all of my spare time at night and whenever eliot is sleeping. on the other hand, i chose to not have a lot of hours to be able to spend more time with eliot and kevin. it has put me in a 'what am i doing with my life' frame of mind. it is always a little dangerous to be in that space.

otherwise, new skills are being learned almost daily. eliot is starting to talk a lot! he is starting to put words together and really make himself understood. he also has learned to stomp his feet, great fun especially when looking in the mirror and practicing the whiney faces.

today i took him to the rocky beach at ft. williams. he had fun walking along and picking up treasures.
he would grasp the rocks so tightly in his hands, i didnt realize he had about four of them tucked under himself. he would save them until we got close to the water, toss them in and wave good bye sending them off to sea.

1 comment:

Heather L. said...

It's so fun to hear these little ones start to talk! David is coming up with new things all the time. His newest: "Bad guy" cracks us up!

The beach pictures are so beautiful. Wish I could take my kids -- I'm sure they would LOVE it!

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