Monday, March 24, 2008

lots of catch up..and... news..

i was feeling a little self portrait-y tonight and played around in photo shop for this one. i havent taken a picture of myself for the purpose of simply taking a picture of myself in a long time. i used to have to do it in art school all the time. it is good practice, i think. this wound up being a reflection of sleep deprivation more than self reflection. however, eliot has been sleeping a lot better lately, i must admit.

easter binging.
visit from uncle tim and aunt trisha.

working on a new duvet cover for spring. this is a sheet i found while out thrifting. i hope i actually get it done before the end of the season. i mean really, it's about 10 minutes worth of sewing. i was testing out my camera's ability to take multiple shots in a row to document my little bed hopper. eliot thought the sound was hilarious. i'll have to remember that next time i try and take a 'good' picture of not in halloween clothing.

some cut outs for a new stuffed animal i am working on for a little girl.

i had to have a jump on the bed too...

and...the big news...we have a DATE.. woo hoo. this is a big deal because we have been planning a wedding for about 2 years now that never seems to materialize. now.. we have no choice but to get to it. it is going to be August, 30 at Ft. Williams. that is a weight off.


Heather L. said...

Enjoyed seeing all the photos! Sometime I want to try a duvet cover -- I just need to find the material via "thrifting"! :)

I made your meatballs last week and they were really, really good. I'll be making them again.

How exciting to have a date for the wedding! I'm sure it's going to be beautiful!

Pam Strayer said...

Hi Jessica,
Have you begun Adeline'sdresses?
Love theblog...Pam

Clara said...

Your pictures are really beautiful! I feel like motherhood has in some ways stunted my own artistic growth, but clearly not so for you - your photos in recent posts are especially strong. They are quiet and carefully reflective. Very sweet!
Hug the short on for me!

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