Saturday, October 20, 2007

blogger troubles

well..i was going to post a bunch of pictures of the tree peeping eliot, my mother and i did today but blogger is being particularly difficult at the moment and won't upload my pictures. especially annoying because i spent some extra time making them look really nice. ah well.. good practice : )

so anyway, we had a really nice day walking around yarmouth and looking at trees. eliot took my mother's phone with him and was talking to it the entire walk around. i think he is ready to be a teenager a little to early for my liking. we also, a little earlier in the day, went to a yardsale at our neighborhood elementary school and bought a couple of wooden toys for eliot. they seem to be harder to come by these days.

i also got about half of my sewing done on the craft blog swap thingy i am doing during nap time. it is a lot harder to make something for someone you don't know than i thought it would be. i don't want it to be too neutral in fear of being too boring but not too loud either.. oy.. her blog is fairly new but i think i'm on the right track. i'll be posting a very unrevealing sneak peek once blogger starts cooperating!

update: i was able to upload this morning so you will be able to see the lovely trees!

1 comment:

Heather L. said...

Thank you so much for those beautiful photos!!!!! (I had trouble uploading photos to blogger earlier in the week -- after sorting through all these files and then I lost them to blogger, ugh!)
Kids SO love phones, don't they?! It seems to be the first toy they want (but REAL ones)

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