Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We had a fun Easter celebration with my brother, sister in law and my little niece.  Eliot had a good time helping her find eggs and directing the operation.  

 I set up the photo lights and did a couple of family photos.  I'm working on some editing but I will put that up when it is done.  Eliot has really taken a liking to the ukulele lately, I think he is ready to learn some chords.  He was suggesting I might have a 'rock star baby'.  He has visions of a family band with him at the helm.

I made this little bunny for my niece's Easter basket.  These little dolls are so fun and easy to customize.  They are a great way to use up scraps, too.

Friday, April 06, 2012


This is the biggest work in progress I've had in a while.  This is what is taking the majority of my free time and energy.  We have made a hallway through two closets to connect the 3rd bedroom to the other two bedrooms.  Mudding and taping takes a while for me.  I am almost done with the taping (this weekend I hope!!!) then onto mudding round 2-3 to smooth it all out.  Then Kevin will take over the paint job.  Right now the room is kind of a medium brown with a green rug.  I'm thinking wide cream color stripes with a lightish green in between.

The ceiling is really low so I'm trying to figure out ways to lengthen the walls visually.  Once this part is done it will be a little more fun!

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Finished Doll

I finished the Jess Brown knock off doll yesterday.  I ended up hand sewing her dress during snips of time when Eliot was either taking a bath or entertaining himself.  It would have gone a lot faster by machine but I haven't been able to set it up much lately due to lack of space.  Give and take.

The hand sewing methods I learned by reading and doing the Alabama Chanin projects have come in handy several times, including this one. The seams are really sturdy.  I think I would still like to make her a little scarf and jacket in time.  

It was also nice to use up some of the bias tape I had found at yard sales a couple of summers ago.  I'm surprised I was able to find it buried in my craft piles!  I like the bright contrast to her cotton body.

I've started another rabbit doll that I will share once I put her together.  Eliot wants a 'man version' for himself.  He said I could probably sell her for a lot of money, maybe $20.  I have an entrepreneur on my hands I think.  I told him if he could come up with something to make I would help him sell it.  We'll see if it pans out.

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