Saturday, August 15, 2009

foraging 'fruits'

although i havent found any actual fruits, yet, here are some pictures of my latest doings. well, i take that back, i have been stalking a couple of rose hip bushes and crab apple trees for this fall. i hear rose hips are perfect after the first frost. im thinking i will try a pie, or maybe just more tea. i think i need to make a foraging bag.

these are some mustard seeds. they come from a plant that seems to love the sandy seaside around here. eliot likes these a lot, they have quite a little kick to them. i havent sampled the dried ones i have on the screens yet - and i am not really sure what i am going to do with them either.

some of the yarrow and bee balm all dried out. i like how they look in the jars. now i am going to see if i can find some foraging tips in my vintage copy of Joy of Cooking - thanks for the tip Kirstin! when are you going to start a blog??

1 comment:

Heather L. said...

I'm glad you are posting about foraging!!! Thanks! If I dry my bee balm, then can I use it for tea?

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